Conference Programme 2024
19. 3. 2024, NEWTON University, Prague, Congress Center
9:00 - 10:00 Accreditation of participants
10:00 - 10:20 Opening of the conference
10:20 - 11:00 Key-note speaker - Robert Soudný (wflow)
11:00 - 12:00 Session 1 (classroom 1)
- PhDr. Petr Krajáč, PhD., Mgr. Bc. Tomáš Řepa, Ph.D., Ing. Zdeněk Mikulka, B.Th., Ph.D., MSc., kpt. Mgr. Roman Dont, MBA - Univerzita Obrany - Value Determinants of the Russian Threat in Historical Context
- pplk. Ing. Petr Urban, MBA, Evžen Tondl - Univerzita Obrany - Implementation of crisis situations in a safe virtual reality environment
- Mgr. Martin Pelikán, Ph.D., JUDr. Andrea Pelikánová Schelle - Vysoká škola NEWTON - Problematic aspects of the register of beneficial owners
- Mgr. Barbora Bělová, PhDr. Mgr. Barbora Pánková, Ph.D., MBA - Vysoká škola NEWTON - Relationship between Mindset and Job Satisfaction: Exploration in the Managerial Roles
11:00 - 12:00 Session 2 (classroom 12)
- Andrea Stoklasová, Mgr. Viera Krúpová, prof. PhDr. Hana Pravdová, PhD. - Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnavě - Attitudes of selected Slovak companies to internal communication in a crisis
- mgr Michał Aliński - SGH Warsaw School of Economics - Telemedicine as an innovative form of patient service-benefits and risks
Mgr. Alexandra Zhereb, PhD, Mgr. Lucie Stárková, Ing. Lukáš Mazánek, Ph.D. - Vysoká škola NEWTON - Objectives and key Results (OKR) as a key to Continuous performance: Review of Current Concepts and Theories
Ing. Vasilii Ostin, B.A. - Technical University of Liberec - Behind the Wheel: Assessing Leadership Skills and Human Capital Development in European Enterprises
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 14:00 Session 3 (classroom 1)
- Ing. Martin Očko, Ing. Veronika Ulrichová - Vysoké učení technické v Brně - A Comprehensive Review of Servitization, SMART Servitization, Concept of Sustainability and Their Impact on Business Model Transformation: Revealing Connections and Emerging Trends
- doc. Mgr. Ing. Renáta Ježková, PhD., Ing. Milan Lindner, Ph.D., Bc. Ing. Karina Tatek Benetti, Ph.D. - Vysoká škola NEWTON - Employee benefits in the post-covid era in the Czech Republic: reality, expectations, challenges
- PhDr. Jiří Nesiba, Ph.D., Ing. Lenka Mrkvičková - Vysoká škola NEWTON - The impact of ESG reporting on oil sector credit ratings
- Mgr. Ing. Martina Zapletalová, PhDr. Ing. Vratislav Pokorný, MBA, doc. PhDr. PaedDr. Eva Ambrozová, Ph.D., MBA, Ing. Zdeněk Mikulka, B.Th., Ph.D. - Vysoká škola NEWTON - Authentic people leadership
13:00 - 14:00 Session 4 (classroom 12)
- Ing. Petr Zimčík, Ph.D. - Vysoká škola NEWTON - Improvements in the income equality – latest empirical evidence
- Ing. Monika Hodinková, Ph.D. - Vysoká škola Sting - ESG reporting for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic: a beneficial tool or just an additional administrative burden?
- Ing. et Ing. Pavel Semerád, Ph.D., MBA, Ing. Ondřej Babuněk, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Zimčík, Ph.D., Piotr Luty, Ing. Roman Brauner, Ph.D., MBA, LL.M. - Vysoká škola Sting - Estimation of the Czech VAT gap caused by cross-border transactions
- Ing. Richard Kunc - Finanční úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj - Property tax 2024
14:00 - 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 - 16:00 Session 5 (classroom 1)
- doc. JUDr. Ing. Radek Jurčík, Ph.D. - Vysoká škola NEWTON - New legal regulation of the deadline for submitting objections following the amendment to the Public Procurement Act
- doc. PhDr. Lukáš Valeš, Ph.D., Kateřina Blažíčková - Vysoká škola NEWTON - Globalisation and electromobility - hope or dead end?
- prof. RNDr. Ing. Ľudomír Šlahor, CSc., Michal Mertuš - Analysis of Risk Correlations among Stock Markets before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Ing. Ondřej Nádvorník MBA, LL.M. - Vysoká škola NEWTON - SATI APP - Mobile app AI solution for helping in prevention of suicides
16:00 Conclusion of the European Forum of Entrepreneurship 2024 Conference
Programme Committee
Anna Plechata Krausova, Ph.D.
Chancellor of NEWTON University
"Don't Sit And Wait For The Opportunities To Come. Get Up And Make Them."
(Madam C. J. Walker)
Ing. Milan Lindner, Ph.D.
Vice-Chancellor for Quality Management
"Before you make a move, think and reflect." (Sun-c´, The Art of War)
doc. Ing. Jiří Koleňák, Ph.D., MBA, LL.M
Vice-Chancellor for Strategy and Development
"If you don't know where you're going, no wind is good."
doc. PhDr. PaedDr. Eva Ambrozová, Ph.D., MBA
Academic Director of Humanities Centre, NEWTON University
"Whoever wants to lead people must first know himself."
Ing. Ludmila Hruban, Ph.D., MSc.
Academic Director of Centre for International Programmes & Language Centre
"Výzva je základem všeho lidského úsilí."
(Lou Whittaker)
Scientific Board
Dr. hab. Agnieszka Alińska, prof. SGH., Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społeczne, Poland
doc. PhDr. PaedDr. Eva Ambrozová, Ph.D., MBA, NEWTON University, Czech Republic
prof. dr hab. Paweł Czarnecki, MBA, Dr.h.c., Collegium Humanum - Warsaw University of Management, Poland
PhDr. Marián Děd, Ph.D., MBA, NEWTON University, Czech Republic
doc. Ing. Marie Pavláková Dočekalová, Ph.D., Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Taghreed Abdeaziz El Sayed Hassan Hassouba, Ph.D., Cairo University, Egypt
prof. PaedDr. Ing. Roman Hrmo, PhD., MBA, DTI University, Slovakia
Dalia A. S. Khalil, PhD, Cairo University, Egypt
Dr. Agnieszka Knap-Stefaniuk, Ph.D., MBA, Institute of Political and Administrative Sciences Jesuit University in Krakow, Poland
prof. Ing. Alena Kocmanová, Ph.D., Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
doc. Ing. Jiří Koleňák, Ph.D., MBA, LL.M NEWTON University, Czech Republic
prof. PaedDr. Tomáš Lengyelfalusy, PhD., DTI University, Slovakia
Ing. Zdeněk Mikulka, B.Th., Ph.D., Univerzita obrany v Brně, Czech Republic
Ing. Ludmila Hruban, Ph.D., MSc., NEWTON University, Czech Republic
PhDr. Jiří Nesiba, Ph.D., NEWTON University, Czech Republic
doc. RNDr. Aleš Ruda, Ph.D., Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic
Prof. zw. dr hab. Wojciech Słomski, International School of Management Slovakia, Slovakia
Ing. et Ing. Pavel Semerád, Ph.D., MBA, NEWTON University, Czech Republic
Ing. Jitka Sládková, Ph.D., NEWTON University, Czech Republic
doc. Ing. Zuzana Stoličná, Ph.D., Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
doc. Ing. Iveta Šimberová, Ph.D., Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
doc. Ing. Ivana Butoracová Šindleryová, Ph.D., University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia
prof. RNDr. Ing. Ľudomír Šlahor, CSc., NEWTON University, Czech Republic
prof. Mgr. Peter Štarchoň, Ph.D., Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
prof. Ing. PhDr. Ing. Vladimír Tomšík, Ph.D. et Ph.D., NEWTON University, Czech Republic